Welcome to BNB Cute

Get your
investment to
the next level


Days Online - 608 days


Total Accounts - 0 users


Users Online - 74 visitors


Total Deposits - 0+ BNB


Total Withdrawal - 0.66669523666667+ BNB


Fast Income -0 BNB

How it Works

Create an Account

Use your BNB address (BEP-20 wallet) during registration.

Start Mining

Get free 1 GH/s of hashing power for registration and start mining BNB.

Increase Power

Increase your mining speed for higher profits and earn additional income.

Withdraw Profits

Withdraw your profits directly to your personal wallet without any additional fees.

About our Company

BNB Cute

Company Number 14927406

Our company is certified by the UK regulator and has full authorization to operate in the UK, USA, and other countries around the world. Our office is located in London.

You are always welcome to visit us and verify all the relevant documentation.

We Are Worldwide

Our company has opened its doors to users from all around the world, including customers from the United States.

24/7 Live Support

Our specialists are available to assist you at any time of the day, every day, without breaks or weekends.

Best Opportunity

Cloud mining is the best investment option today to achieve high profits without risks.

We Pay On Time

Our company automatically pays out all funds instantly and without any additional fees.

Referrals System

We offer up to 10% referral commissions for all our investors. By referring others, you can earn up to 10% of their investments on our platform.



Last 10 Deposits

Last 10 Withdrawals


frequently asked questions

  • What is BNB Cute?

    BNB Cute is a platform that offers remote access to BNB mining across various mining pools. The platform's smart mining pools switching algorithm, developed by a dedicated team of professional programmers and analysts, ensures efficient mining operations.

  • How does a BNB Cute smart mining works?

    The smart mining algorithm is built using neural network algorithms, utilizing indicators to identify and select the most profitable mining pool in real-time.

  • Are there any risks in the mining?

    Despite the precise operation of the smart mining system, which is based on complex algorithms, there are external factors beyond the control of the BNB Cute team. These factors include events such as coups, natural disasters, and other unforeseen circumstances.

  • What is the difference between cloud mining and self mining?

    Cloud mining, also known as cloud hashing, allows users to acquire mining capacity equivalent to hardware located in data centers.

    cloud mining allows individuals to earn BNB without the need for cryptocurrency mining hardware, cryptocurrency mining software, electricity, bandwidth, or other offline concerns.

  • How do I Start?

    Sign up providing your secure wallet address and Start earning BNB with BNB Cute

  • What is the minimum withdrawal amount?

    Minimum withdrawal amount is 0.04200000 BNB.

  • What payment method do you accept?

    Currently, we exclusively accept BNB payments with support for BEP-20 wallet integration.

  • How can I deposit to BNB Cute?

    Once logged in, proceed to the "Deposit Funds" section, where you can generate a unique wallet address and make a deposit.

  • How long does a deposit take to reach my account?

    Please wait until your transaction has reached the required number of network confirmations, which typically takes up to 10 minutes.

  • How fast you process withdrawals?

    Payments are processed instantly in automatic mode, with the usual processing time being within 3-4 minutes.

  • How to purchase cloud power?

    To purchase hashing power, please proceed to the 'Buy Power' section, enter the desired amount of GH/s, and click the 'Buy Power' button.

  • Can I make money without my own deposit?

    Yes, to be able withdrawal you have just reach a minimum withdrawal amount.

  • Your affiliate program? How does it work?

    By inviting your friends to our project using your unique referral link, you can become wealthier by receiving a portion of the funds they contribute to the project. The friend referral system offers rewards 10%. You can become wealthier without even spending your own funds on purchasing hashing power.

  • How to start?

    For a quick start, you need to register by entering your GH/s wallet address.

    From our company, you will receive 1 GH/s for free to try cloud mining without a deposit.

    Once you get familiar with the website, you will need to make a deposit and purchase your own hashing power for fast BNB mining.

    Once your profit exceeds the minimum withdrawal amount, you can instantly request a payout.

  • How many accounts can I have?

    You can have no more than one active account.

  • How can I contact you in case of problems or other questions

    You can contact us by email at [email protected] or live chat. We will promptly respond to any problems.

Contact Us

Support: [email protected]

Info: [email protected]

Administration: [email protected]

Address: 19 Maidenstone Hill, London, England, SE10 8SY

Phone: (44) 785 044 82 80

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